

Curious about the mastermind behind the screen? Your answers await!

Hi, I'm Shaira Ambrosio

I'm a passionate frontend engineer based in the Philippines. With a unique perspective, I deliver innovative and high-quality solutions to make people's lives easier, more enjoyable, and productive. From user-friendly interfaces to optimized websites, I strive to exceed my clients' expectations and inspire others to see the potential of technology.As a freelancer, I'm open to innovative ideas and solutions and enjoy conversing with interesting people.In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing video games, and watching anime. If this sounds intriguing, please contact me.

Interesting pieces of information about me

Here are a few distinct qualities that make me unique

  • I am a lefty

    I've come to appreciate the unique perspective that being left-handed gives me, and I'm always interested in connecting with others who share this trait.

  • Betta fish lover

    I'm a big fan of betta fish! I've been fascinated by these beautiful creatures ever since I got my first betta, and I've been learning more and more about them ever since. I'm always excited to connect with others who share my love for these amazing fish!

  • I can play games for more than 8 hours straight!

    I've been playing video games for years, and I'm proud to say that I've clocked in more than 8 hours in a single session on multiple occasions!


I'm always open to new suggestions. If you have an unconventional offer or want to see what else I have to offer, contact me at hello@shairaambrosio.com